Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Case With BGT 2014

It was sad to see the Light Balance crew leave in the semifinal in 2014’s British’s Got Talent, especially because they were not from Britain. It was sad because, I personally think that they were the best talent on the show for that season. I mean, if you do not want people from other countries to win, why make them eligible to apply? There is something called terms and conditions, you know. And the criticism on the last winners Attraction Shadow is just plain bizarre! They were obviously the best talent in that season.
There are so many platforms for singing competitions but not that many platforms for this kind of talent. It’s really sad. The world isn’t made up of only singers you know.

 Hopefully, this wouldn’t repeat itself again!

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Case With The New Etisalat Advert

Ok so I don’t really know if the ad is actually new, but I watched it recently and I couldn’t stop laughing! Literally! If you haven’t seen it, omg! You need to see it! Absolutely hilarious! I couldn’t find the ad anywhere online but as soon as I do, I’ll provide the link. It’s about a guy who gets a call in the night on his wife’s mobile phone and the man on the other end asks for where he could get recharge card! Can’t even remember what the ad was about because I was laughing the whole time! Plus I’ve seen it just once.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Case With Keeping Fit

So I recently started jogging.
When I say jogging, I mean jogging around the parlour for 15 minutes… baby steps.
I’m tryna keep fit.
I mean does it really matter I jog outside? As long as it’s jogging…right?
Oh and I time myself by the way…that shows some atom of seriousness.
You see, I’m trying to lose this belly fat. Used to do sit ups but I noticed, I was pushing the fat to my under belly.
Anyways, I’m not just jogging to get rid of the belly fat…I’m also tryna keep fit.
 Yeah, I’m one of those people that get motivated to exercise once in a very long while. And that is a definition of an exercise lazy bum!
But this time, I want to take it seriously…so I’m going to remind you guys (especially exercise lazy bums like me) and myself, why REGULAR exercise is good for the body.
·         Exercise helps combat diseases such as heart disease as well as high blood pressure. It also improves cholesterol (HDL).
·         Exercise improves mood. Physical activities stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and relaxed…it helps you blow off steam (like boxing :D).
·         It also helps to boost the immune system, which helps fight against diseases.
·         Regular exercise boosts energy. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and helps cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
·         Exercise helps fight insomnia and promote better sleep…just don’t exercise too close to bed time!
·         It improves sex life. Regular physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women. Also, men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than men who don’t exercise.
·         Regular exercise helps to lose weight and keep fit.

 I recommend jogging! 
Jogging is an all-round exercise. It affects all parts of the body. For more info on why you should jog, click on the link  http://yourdailyworkout.com/cardio-workout/7-benefits-of-jogging-that-you-didnt-know/
I watched an episode of BGT (British’s got talent), recently, and a chubby lady was pole dancing and she was good at it!
So you see, exercise isn’t just for fat/chubby people, skinny people need to exercise as well...no more excuses!

I hope that I have been able to motivate atleast one person today! 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Case With Ignorance

So I called a friend of mine a nerd recently…
Nerd according to Google: a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
You see, the thing is, I wasn't trying to insult my friend. I was only trying to call him a word for ‘a bookworm that uses glasses and like computers and stuff and has zero time for a social life’. 
The problem is, I watch of a lot of movies, TV shows, cartoons and people use ‘nerd’ all the time…it didn't sound like an insult to me. I just always thought it had the same meaning as studious…without the boring part. I just never bothered to look the word up in a dictionary or even if I did, memorize it!
I remember one I time I was going through my Facebook news feed, there was a picture of a friend of mine in this ‘dorky’ glasses and his caption on his own picture was ‘nerd’. Now I’m thinking… does this guy know that he was actually insulting himself?!
Often times, We go through life, not knowing about a lot of this and other times, not even caring that we don’t know those things either and in the process, hurting the people we care about both emotionally and physically.  
How many stuffs have we done out of ignorance, we wish we could take back?
So guys, the next time you use a word, or make a comment, double check the meaning first! And not make comments on something you’re not sure you really know!

 Be informed!

The Case With The Elections II

Its the Clash of the Titans! Transformation or Change, you decide!

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Case With The Elections

This is a picture of Chekwas Okorie. I bet you don’t even know who he is. Well let me establish or refresh your memory. He is the Nigerian presidential candidate for UPP party. I’m thinking you didn’t even know there was a party called UPP… I didn’t either until I watched the presidential debate last Sunday!
So tomorrow is the presidential elections. I’ve been half expecting INEC to postpone the elections again! But I guess this election thing is really on tomorrow. I’m not voting for two reasons
1.       You can only vote where you registered and
2.       If I were voting, I’d vote for neither PDP nor APC, so my vote wouldn’t count anyway.
So the election is really between PDP and APC. You see, the problem the current president has is that, most of the things he worked on are things we cannot perceive. Nigerians only acknowledge the things that can be seen… we are so superficial! If electricity was for instance the only and when I say only, I mean only thing the current government was able to tackle, He’d have the vote of all Nigerians. However, he didn’t give us electricity and APC on the other hand is promising us the world! Really? You’re going to give us electricity really? Cheap kerosene really? Tackle Boko Haram really? And how exactly are you going to do all of those? The absence of your presidential candidate in last Sunday’s debate was very conspicuous. Debate is democracy and you are not making things any easier for yourself, especially with your military background and I have a problem with all of these old ex-military men coming back to pose as Civilians. We should be moving forward!
The problem with Nigeria is that it should never have been amalgamated!

In any case, Vote Wisely!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Case With Will Smith

So I recently watched the movie focus… the one that the cast includes Will Smith among others. On a scale of 1-10, I’ll rate the movie 6 because well for starters, I like Will Smith better when it’s not obvious he’s acting! What happened to funny man Will? I thought we had lost him forever… not until I watched his interview on the Graham Norton’s Show and I saw he’s still the same good ol’ funny man big Willy! So now, over to the directors! The movie is supposed to be a comedy… right? So why is Will’s face so serious even in the comedy parts of the movie? And I’m not talking serious funny either. Checking IMDB now and I see the movie is rated 6.8, so you see guys, I’m not far off and I also see here the directors were Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. Well Glenn and John, you guys need to refurbish your directing skills. I mean this movie could have easily been a 9! So please take note! And you too Will. That’s why we choose Steve Carell any day… he’s a funny man and he doesn't apologise for it!
A message to Will Smith: We like you better funny!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Case With The Broken Glass

There is something about broken pieces that makes you think about life. You know, when you’re in a hurry and time seems to be running out, and then you try to lift something, maybe a bag, a shoe, a purse, and that glass flower vase breaks, or when you’re in a hurry and you are trying to prepare something really fast and you lift a tray or a plate and the other plate falls to the ground and shatters. You try to stop it, but you miss by just a fraction of a second. At that moment it feels like the worst had just happened because first of all, it’s going to delay you even more, you’ll have to clean up and then go back to what you were doing before it broke. The feeling of the shattering, especially if the stuff that broke is expensive or cherished. The process of the shattering, which usually happens within a blink of an eye and of course the aftermath. For a split moment, you just stand, and look at the mess you’ve made, not just with the glass but also with yourself and your life and they you realize that some things are just beyond your control. But there is also that soothing relief you get afterwards. You realize, the force with which you were in a hurry before has somehow dissipated. This relief I think you also get when something really annoying happens, like a husband cheating on a wife and the wife finds out and rushes home to smash fine Chinas on the wall…I think it’s the same relief but like alcohol, that relief is but for a moment and you still have to face the heap of broken Chinas. Then comes the regret part, when you get back from work (maybe that’s where you were rushing off to in the first place), your eyes darts off to that empty space where the flower vase should have been and still wish your purse hadn’t been close to the flower vase. Then you try to remember how you got the flower vase in the first place. Well people, you can do either of two things, continue to stare at the empty place where the flower vase should have been or go out to the store and get yourself a new flower vase… your choice!... and yes a broke something today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Case With Birdman

I decided that my 1st doe rants post should be about Birdman! I know its old gist but I can’t get over the over-hype, the number of academy awards the movie was nominated for and the number of awards it actually won. That is the most outrageous thing the Oscars has ever done since the history of the academy awards! And I see the genre Comedy?! Really Comedy?! I wondered who actually laughed in any part of the movie for how extremely funny it was! I recently watched this ellen show where she interviewed Michael Keaton and honestly, you could see the look on her face when she said she and Portia enjoyed the movie! And…best picture? Really? Honestly I’m lost for words there… I would have known the Oscars had totally lost its mind if Michael Keaton had won best actor. The only people I could give props for were Emma Stone and Robert Norton… I think they played the roles they were given quite well particularly Robert Norton…he was really annoying in the movie and I think he was meant to be…

Hopefully, this error wouldn’t be repeated in the future! Organizers of the Oscars here’s a message for you… Nobody actually enjoyed Birdman… I literally slept and woke up while the movie was on! No more Birdmans please!